News and Press Releases

Dr. Egan mentioned on NPR's "Story Corp"
Dr. Egan's longest survivor, Howell Graham, was featured on NPR's weekly segment "Story Corp" on July 22, 2011.

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Dr. Egan receives $1.47 million grant for lung transplant research

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has awarded Dr. Thomas M. Egan, a professor of surgery at the University of North Carolina, a $1.47 million, two-year grant for research on perfusion and ventilation of lungs outside the body before transplant. The research could lead to a significant increase in the number of lungs available for transplant.

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Egan named "Tar Heel of the Week"
Thomas M. Egan, M.D., of the UNC Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery is featured as the "Tar Heel of the Week" in a News & Observer story about Dr. Egan and his pioneering lung transplant research, which would make more donor lungs usable for transplant by treating the lungs ex-vivo (outside the body) to improve their health before transplant.

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